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Meditation in heart, agility in motion
Meditation in heart, agility in motion
Speaker: Tammy Lee 李筱娟
Start registration: Mar 23, 2021
Time: Apr 23, 2021 14:00 - 15:00
Location: 女俠 ina sharing space 女俠 ina sharing space

Reminder: 1. Please arrive before 13:30 to change clothes if needed. 2. Please wear clothing suitable for exercise. 3. Please bring your own towel. 4. Please inform us in advance regarding any physical condition or illness. Master Tammy (李筱娟) leads us on a journey to explore and understand our own body and wellness, through peace and meditation of our minds, extension of our muscles, inspiration and touch of our hearts to follow, connecting with our soul. The relaxation of our body and liberation of our spirits attained through the guidance of Master Tammy shall bring us wellness of the body, mind and soul. About Instructor : Master Tammy (李筱娟) became a World Champion in mixed martial arts as a member of the Taiwan national team during her university years, after she began her career early as a youth prodigy in martial arts. Master Tammy is not only a martial arts coach now, but also a total fitness maestro who combines the traditional Asian martial arts and western body fitness concepts, including application of medicine from both the East and the West. She is an expert at managing health and wellness of every age and other demographic groups, and bringing the love of sports, fitness and health to all! Address: 4F., No. 2, Ln. 97, Songjiang Rd., Jhongshan Dist., Taipei 台北市中山區松江路97巷2號4樓

Meditation in heart, agility in motion
Meditation in heart, agility in motion
Seats: 20 / Available: 0
Seats: 20 / Available: 0