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Obstacle course event geared for kids, no participation trophies here.  Spartan Kids Race Obstacle course event geared for kids, no participation trophies here.  Spartan Kids Race

Obstacle course event geared for kids, no participation trophies here. Spartan Kids Race

Spartan Kids Race is an obstacle course event geared towards Kids from all walks of life. You won't find participation trophies here. We live by the motto of "Earned, not Given". We strive to make health and fitness a part of your life

A fun and safe obstacle course experience for children aged 4-13. Young kids will gain confidence while having a ball running, jumping, climbing, and crawling. Older kids can increase the challenge, and even compete in timed heats against others




設計Spartan 兒童賽的主要目的,是為了重新找回失去的…
設計Spartan 兒童賽的主要目的,是為了重新找回失去的兒時冒險精神,讓孩子保有不畏困難,躍躍欲試的戶外冒險精神。同時,Spartan兒童賽的挑戰內容,都是為了讓兒童更健康更結實而精心規劃的。而競賽中的樂趣,跟共患難的同伴情誼,能讓孩子鼓起興趣,對強身健體感到重視,長久下來,孩子也變得更加有活力。Spartan的競賽旨在打造健康活躍的社群團體,而Spartan兒童賽能讓家人之間的感情更深厚,穩固的親情也就是社群活絡發展的根基。
---- Spartan
At Spartan, all of our traini…
At Spartan, all of our training has a mental component. Our philosophy is based on it. When we create adversity in our training, it makes us tougher. It helps us appreciate what we have and where we are in life. It completely changes our frame of reference and makes us better at dealing with life’s obstacles.
---- spartan
How to train for a Spartan Ra…
How to train for a Spartan Race

Obstacle course races test several measures of fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, strength and mobility. The most important thing when training for a Spartan Race is to have a well-rounded training plan, rather than becoming hyper-focused in one area or another. To up your endurance -- both cardiovascular and muscular -- for a Spartan Race, you should complete at least one high-volume workout per week.
---- CNET
Obstacle course event geared for kids, no participation trophies here.  Spartan Kids Race
Obstacle course event geared for kids, no participation trophies here.  Spartan Kids Race
Obstacle course event geared for kids, no participation trophies here.  Spartan Kids Race
Obstacle course event geared for kids, no participation trophies here.  Spartan Kids Race
Obstacle course event geared for kids, no participation trophies here.  Spartan Kids Race
Obstacle course event geared for kids, no participation trophies here.  Spartan Kids Race