NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message
NFT (非同質化代幣)在證實下,可視為具稀缺特性的數位藝術品和其他由區塊鏈支援的數位化商品。藝術品和其他所謂的加密收藏品是現今 NFT 的主要用例,但未來大量獨特的數位商品和物件將會是上鏈的 NFT 化,並允許個人以不同的身份識別,任意穿梭在包含平台、遊戲和異次元宇宙的線上生態系統,無縫移動並交易他們的數位資產
Art and other so-called crypto-collectibles are the main use-case for NFTs today, but in the future a wide array of unique digital goods and items will be NFT-based and allow individuals to move seamlessly their identity and digital possessions between different online ecosystems, platforms, games, and universes
Source: Fortune Media IP Limited