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極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage

極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage

Swedish Lapland, sometimes referred to as Northern Europe´s last remaining wilderness. We live and work here and for many of us the natural landscape is just outside our doors

This is our cultural heritage, a place we call home, a place were we work and also spend alot of our free time. The landscape offers a lot of contrasts and a new experience depending on the season

Source: Arctic Bath



Arctic Bath, a tiny new desti…
Arctic Bath, a tiny new destination hotel in remote northern Sweden, has a negligible environmental footprint, in part because it barely touches the ground. Inspired by old timber-transporting practices, architects Bertil Harström and Johan Kaupp designed the property to float on the Lule River in the heart of icy, gorgeous Lapland, a veritable winter wonderland with reindeer herds and vast pine forests.
Referencing the timber floati…
Referencing the timber floating era, where trees felled in local forests were transported down the river to be processes, the arctic bath hotel features criss-crossed logs around a circular shape. The design of the hotel was created in order to be locally relevant as well as striking. It was developed with the highest environmental standards in mind, using local materials, and with a minimal to no impact on the environment.
At the center of the circular…
At the center of the circular-shaped main building will be an open-air bath where the water will be maintained at a 39 degree Fahrenheit temperature. Here, guests can take a cold-water plunge followed by a hot sauna, which is an Arctic tradition.
---- Forbes
融於自然之中的構想,在北歐這些重視戶外的(或者說北歐人一出生就已然是個 outdoor person)國家中一點都不足為奇。桑拿(Sauna)這個字源自於芬蘭,又稱芬蘭浴、三溫暖,原意為「無窗戶的木屋」,後來衍伸為在封閉房間內用水蒸氣洗浴的過程。瑞典的洗浴文化也受到芬蘭和英格蘭的影響,又衍生出另一種特殊的洗浴文化:冷浴海游屋(The cold bath house)在這裡,洗浴者首先在區分男女的桑拿屋中全裸乾蒸放鬆,之後再穿著泳裝,並在溫水池中男女共浴,溫水池比鄰海水,之後再跳入海水中游泳。也正巧就是本文所道的 Arctic Bath 北極浴概念,是北歐歷代以來戶外生活文化中的珍寶。
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage
極致的酷寒體驗,極地風呂 Arctic bath, spa ritual in wilderness of Swedish Lapland, local heritage