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Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel

Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel

Located in the historical centre of Polignano a Mare, the Grotta Palazzese Hotel, situated on a scenic cliff overlooking the sea, rests on the famous Grotta Palazzese, a cave that hosts the homonymous restaurant considered among the 10 most exclusive outdoor restaurants in the world

Renovated with elegant refinement, it has 15 rooms hanging over the sea in a complete harmony with the most advanced technological systems

Source: Hotel Ristorante Grotta Palazzese



You can find this restaurant …
You can find this restaurant in Polignano A Mare in Puglia, almost 17 miles from Bari, a Medieval town. Apparently locals organized festivals in the cave even back in the year 700! Up above, in the hotel rooms, guest have reported feeling the waves crashing against the rocks.
Grotta Palazzese is all about…
Grotta Palazzese is all about the experience of dining in the midst of nature in an intriguing grotto. There are two humongous apertures swept awash by the sea, the result of which is this massive hall that has been cleverly converted into a fine dining experience.

This was once the regal venue that hosted many of Bari’s sought after balls and wedding receptions. Today, there’s a single unusual restaurant that wows tourists with its unusual appeal.
In a romantic setting, with d…
In a romantic setting, with dimly-lit tables surrounded only by organic wonders of nature, enjoying stunning views of the Adriatic Sea, you can have the most unique dining experience. You will feel like having dinner in a postcard, simply amazing!
The restaurant, part of Grott…
The restaurant, part of Grotta Palazzese Hotel, is nestled into a vaulted limestone cavern giving diners an uninterrupted view of the Adriatic Sea and its adjacent cliffs. By day, the cavern is partly lit by the sun’s reflection off the clear blue water—a spot that dates back to the 1700s when local nobility used it for banquets.
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel
Polignano Mare 懸崖峭壁上絕色美景與石窟內美食驚豔—石窟宮酒店 Grotto Palazzese Hotel