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Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests

Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests

ICEHOTEL is a world famous hotel and an art exhibition made of ice and snow. Founded in 1989, it is reborn in a new guise every winter, in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle. Torne River and the ice art create life enriching moments

We create ice events all over the world, build ICEBAR's, offer a vast variety of adventure travel all over Swedish Lapland and northern Norway. We create art work of ice, snow and magnetite. Not to mention share your love with family and friends in an unusual wedding in Jukkasjärvi. The unique location, the ice, the snow, and the ethereal surroundings make Icehotel quite possibly one of the best places imaginable for a winter wedding




The ICEHOTEL started as an ar…
The ICEHOTEL started as an art gallery. It was founded by Yngve Bergqvist in 1989, who — inspired by the Japanese tradition of ice sculpting — sought out the help of two professional ice instructors to teach a workshop on the art form. Artists were invited to attend, which they did with great enthusiasm. It was repeated again the following winter when it yielded the first ever ice structure, a specially designed igloo that was constructed on the frozen river and called the ARTic Hall.
Icehotel 365 was constructed …
Icehotel 365 was constructed by Swedish architect and sustainability designer Hans Eek. Bergqvist had always wanted to explore art using natural materials. As such, ice, snow, wood, and magnetite were used to complete the permanent structure and its specially designed ice art hall that includes Art & Deluxe Suites, an Ice Bar, and experience room — all of which run on solar power and other forms of green electricity, though the indoor temperature is -5 C.
Despite the fact that a weddi…
Despite the fact that a wedding here may mean some extreme alterations to the wedding dress, there are few more spectacular locations to get married than the ICEHOTEL. Each year the entire hotel melts away to nothing and reincarnated once again. But the Ice Church is rebuilt every year. From all over the world people come to hold ceremonies in the architectural wonder of the church. A step outside after the ceremony will reveal to guests one of nature’s most mystical occurrences, the Northern Lights.
The hotel rooms are kept at a…
The hotel rooms are kept at a temperature of between -5 and -8°C (23 and 17°F) to ensure that the ice stays intact. They are beautifully adorned with hand-sculpted ice art and you sleep on a bed of ice. But, to make it comfortable, you have a thick mattress, thermal sleeping bags and reindeer hides. The Riverside Lobby is open 24/7 and it’s where you can use the bathroom and shower. After sleeping in your cold room, you can get changed here, warm up in the sauna, and enjoy a hot cup of lingonberry juice.
The ice we use is 100 % natur…
The ice we use is 100 % natural and comes from the Torne river, one of the last wild rivers in Europe. We make sure the ice on the river is clear from snow during winter, so that it becomes thicker and more solid with no air bubbles. Then in spring, we use specialised machinery to harvest around 1,300 giant blocks that weigh about 1.5 tons each. These are then stored in our refrigerated warehouse until building starts in autumn.
Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests
Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests
Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests
Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests
Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests
Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests
Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests
Art exhibition from icy river Thorne, reincarnated each year in brand new design, with northern lights amidst snow clad forests