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Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs

Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs

The new 100-cover restaurant has been created by Tom Dixon's design research studio, The Manzoni is more than a restaurant. It’s an experimental space, a theatrical backdrop for the best of Italian food and British design expressed in a Restaurant, Showroom and Shop

Source: The Manzoni



The Manzoni first and foremos…
The Manzoni first and foremost acts as a platform for the studio’s designs. ‘We need a place where people slow down and experience our products in a live setting,’
Diners can shop from their ta…
Diners can shop from their table at The Manzoni, a new Milan restaurant by Tom Dixon that doubles as a furniture showroom and the designer's European headquarters.

"The idea is that everything is for sale, so table settings, through to candle holders, glassware, furniture, absolutely everything will be available to buy," explained Strutt.

"It's in a hospitality context, so you can experience it and then see it in a live setting rather than just being on the shelf."
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The Jungle room is a multi-pu…
The Jungle room is a multi-purpose showroom and meeting space, can be set up for private dinner parties. This space functions at the main display area for the brand's collections, but can be reconfigured to allow for flexible use: "It's a great meeting place for the team, or to have a dinner party or something," said Strutt.
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The restaurant launches with …
The restaurant launches with executive chef Roy Smith Paredes Ynfantes and guest chef Marta Pulini. The menu consists of Italian fare.

“The Manzoni is more than a restaurant,” says Dixon, “It is also an experimental space, a theatrical backdrop.” Guests can shop before or after they dine. But perhaps most importantly, they can exist in Dixon’s vision—a wonderland of his values that include an appreciation for those drawn from Italy, beside Verona marble sprouts flowers from Sardinia and so much more.
Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs
Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs
Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs
Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs
Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs
Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs
Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs
Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs
Experimental space with theatrical backdrop to experience gourmet gastronomy and Tom Dixon designs