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千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda

千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda

This program offers professionals of all backgrounds, from artists to curators, collectors, and academics, the opportunity to stay, create, and present in the unique site of a Chiyoda City designated cultural property – "Ebiharashoten" – with a rich local history rooted in the Meiji and Showa Eras

Source: 3331 Arts Chiyoda



Incorporating Japanese and We…
Incorporating Japanese and Western culture EBIHARA SHOTEN freely designed by the painter

Prospered as a second-hand clothing district during the reconstruction period after the Great Kanto Earthquake

Still inherited to the building that has the soul of a craftsman who competed with Kanda's hilarious culture and skills
Ebihara Shoten, a historical …
Ebihara Shoten, a historical used-clothing shop and residence in the neighborhood of Kanda, is converted into “Kigaeru (Clothes Changing) House.” This project is the brainchild of Yoshinari Nishio, an artist focused on the relationship between fashion and communication. Nishio, who acts as a temporary shop master, considers the future of the area with an exhibition of family photos and clothing, plus events such as children’s tailoring workshops.
3331 Arts Chiyoda is an indep…
3331 Arts Chiyoda is an independent art center based in the renovated Rensei Junior High School, a former Chiyoda City public school. Since 2010, it has served as both an artistic hub for anyone wanting to create, as well as a relaxing and open space for the community. Year after year, we hold countless programs including exhibitions, events, and workshops spanning fields beyond contemporary art from architecture and design to physical expressions and local history and culture.
千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda
千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda
千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda
千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda
千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda
千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda
千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda