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From Heirloom to Heritage to Legacy
From Heirloom to Heritage to Legacy
Nail It! 將濃濃台灣味、九份情釘到位的釘畫藝術大師胡達華
Nail It! 將濃濃台灣味、九份情釘到位的釘畫藝術大師胡達華
Ocean Sailing Experience
Ocean Sailing Experience
古蹟裡的竹編,美感與實用中的平衡,林山 | 山傑號竹工
古蹟裡的竹編,美感與實用中的平衡,林山 | 山傑號竹工
花藝昇華至藝術 Floral Art Uplifted to The Highest Artistic Expression. AMKK
花藝昇華至藝術 Floral Art Uplifted to The Highest Artistic Expression. AMKK
以陶土詮釋自我 - 島Shima Zen的生活藝術創作
以陶土詮釋自我 - 島Shima Zen的生活藝術創作
藉陶器的美麗繪刻與塑燒,使生命精彩躍動的年輕聽障陶藝家,陳冠全|無 陶藝工作室
藉陶器的美麗繪刻與塑燒,使生命精彩躍動的年輕聽障陶藝家,陳冠全|無 陶藝工作室
Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S
Sotheby’s Hong Kong is thrilled to present JAY CHOU x SOTHEBY’S
Classical calligraphy transformed into contemporary art form
Classical calligraphy transformed into contemporary art form
Rebirth and Rediscovery 漂流的並未逝去,反而帶著更多生命故事歸來— 拉飛·邵馬
Rebirth and Rediscovery 漂流的並未逝去,反而帶著更多生命故事歸來— 拉飛·邵馬
葉海地Heidi Yip
葉海地Heidi Yip
沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna
沉浸於超凡視覺藝術空間,冰火交錯的絕妙桑納體驗 Perfecting sauna trance beyond meditation. Rinkan Sauna
Ancient Saudi Arabian City of Hegra Opens To Public After 2,000 Years
Ancient Saudi Arabian City of Hegra Opens To Public After 2,000 Years
A Slice of Eternity
A Slice of Eternity
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda
千代田百年文化遺產-海老原商店 AIR 3331 Special Residency at Chiyoda
Hotel room turned art gallery featuring Takashi Murakami and Roppongi Hills Takashi Murakami Project
Hotel room turned art gallery featuring Takashi Murakami and Roppongi Hills Takashi Murakami Project
回歸身心於初始狀態與至上的自在境界 Primeval forests, art appreciation and sublime getaway
回歸身心於初始狀態與至上的自在境界 Primeval forests, art appreciation and sublime getaway
Fusion of library, art museum and natural history museum, Kadokawa Culture Museum
Fusion of library, art museum and natural history museum, Kadokawa Culture Museum
A portal to discover unique experience or mere escape, where creative architecture meets fine art in this micro-library
A portal to discover unique experience or mere escape, where creative architecture meets fine art in this micro-library
"Staying in an art piece" in Japan, BnA Hotel
"Staying in an art piece" in Japan, BnA Hotel
Taiwan, seen through a different lens, live through new adventure and experiences, family or corporate outings
Taiwan, seen through a different lens, live through new adventure and experiences, family or corporate outings
Hotel inside renovated historical "Kura Storehouse - Where Life is Preserved," Little Kyoto for samurai residences
Hotel inside renovated historical "Kura Storehouse - Where Life is Preserved," Little Kyoto for samurai residences
Uppercut, punch and kick!  Muay Thai boxing ring experience with luxury hotel wellness training and dietary supplement
Uppercut, punch and kick!  Muay Thai boxing ring experience with luxury hotel wellness training and dietary supplement
Rising above lush Ayung River Valley, accentuated by rice-bowl shaped pond as the portal to its architecture, ethereal energy awakens and soothes your mind and soul.  Sayan, Bali
Rising above lush Ayung River Valley, accentuated by rice-bowl shaped pond as the portal to its architecture, ethereal energy awakens and soothes your mind and soul.  Sayan, Bali
Beyond recreation of memories and create moments old and new to fulfill your wishes and longings.  VIVE Studios
Beyond recreation of memories and create moments old and new to fulfill your wishes and longings.  VIVE Studios
Experience the pristine, Buddhist heritage through monastery and ancient temples, Himalayan journey of Bhutan Kingdom.  Amankora
Experience the pristine, Buddhist heritage through monastery and ancient temples, Himalayan journey of Bhutan Kingdom.  Amankora
Kueh, traditional sticky rice cake, and bamboo rice dumplings,  comfort food that binds generations of love and heritage, finds rebirth in the Siang Khau Lu Cultural Kitchen
Kueh, traditional sticky rice cake, and bamboo rice dumplings,  comfort food that binds generations of love and heritage, finds rebirth in the Siang Khau Lu Cultural Kitchen
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
In a parallel universe of Hangzhou West Lake, and contemporary aesthetics and luxury, you traverse two different eras of heritage and experience the wonders of West Lake old and new
Tranquility reigns, open air baths and spas soothe the body, and the spectacular view over Mount Kirishima calms the spirit. TENKU no Mori
Tranquility reigns, open air baths and spas soothe the body, and the spectacular view over Mount Kirishima calms the spirit. TENKU no Mori
Contemporary graffiti artists gathered at Juming Museum, showcasing new generation of artistic creations
Contemporary graffiti artists gathered at Juming Museum, showcasing new generation of artistic creations
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
Through a door of Chinese mourning hall, into not just a bookstore, but an experience, where the mind becomes free of boundaries and inhibitions, but full with imagination
Through a door of Chinese mourning hall, into not just a bookstore, but an experience, where the mind becomes free of boundaries and inhibitions, but full with imagination
A unique opportunity to travel Burma with Steve McCurry to explore your passion for photography
A unique opportunity to travel Burma with Steve McCurry to explore your passion for photography
Deep Russian heritage and popular culture, hidden in the most unlikely of alleys in old Taipei, nostalgic haven to the First Lady of Taiwan’s President during a time of transformation that resulted in modern Taiwan
Deep Russian heritage and popular culture, hidden in the most unlikely of alleys in old Taipei, nostalgic haven to the First Lady of Taiwan’s President during a time of transformation that resulted in modern Taiwan
Natural history illustration, observational and visual interpretations of all that is nature, fuses art and history, transcends borders, timelines and generations.  Treasured narrative of Taiwanese history.  National Taiwan Museum
Natural history illustration, observational and visual interpretations of all that is nature, fuses art and history, transcends borders, timelines and generations.  Treasured narrative of Taiwanese history.  National Taiwan Museum
Aroma therapy, ear candling and picking, the pampering and privileges used to be enjoyed only by the rich and powerful.  Pao Pao Ear
Aroma therapy, ear candling and picking, the pampering and privileges used to be enjoyed only by the rich and powerful.  Pao Pao Ear
Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi
Transforming Ikebana floral design to test the boundaries between cultural heritage and artistic expressions. Chen-Hsi
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab
Beauty of the Pacific, earthly goodness of Amis/Pangcah tribe, fusion by gourmet chef from Michelin 3-star in Paris.  Sinacera24, Taitung
Beauty of the Pacific, earthly goodness of Amis/Pangcah tribe, fusion by gourmet chef from Michelin 3-star in Paris.  Sinacera24, Taitung
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
台灣茶葉世家培製獨有的世界綠茶金獎–開蘭茶 Award winning, Kalon, from generations of tea family legacy, fuses olfactory expertise and technology mindset to produce taste and fragrance embraced by Michelin chef
Heal mind and soul with 7 chakra Singing Bowls and body suspension, Nepali tradition
Heal mind and soul with 7 chakra Singing Bowls and body suspension, Nepali tradition
European cabin in jade mining village gathers gastronomy and arts from the world, immersed in the mountain jungle, Hualian, Taiwan
European cabin in jade mining village gathers gastronomy and arts from the world, immersed in the mountain jungle, Hualian, Taiwan
融合懷舊法租界風的經典台灣茶體驗Fusion of French Concession style, traditional Taiwanese tea ceremony, Liquide Ambré
融合懷舊法租界風的經典台灣茶體驗Fusion of French Concession style, traditional Taiwanese tea ceremony, Liquide Ambré
令人忘卻塵世紛擾的斗笠造型藝文空間 Inside a bamboo hat shaped escape space, in touch with purity of mind, heart and soul  憨人書院
令人忘卻塵世紛擾的斗笠造型藝文空間 Inside a bamboo hat shaped escape space, in touch with purity of mind, heart and soul  憨人書院
A taste of Qing Dynasty culture and gastronomy in a 150-year-old residence. Tainan, Taiwan
A taste of Qing Dynasty culture and gastronomy in a 150-year-old residence. Tainan, Taiwan
One and only overnight stay per lifetime, mingle and meld with contemporary oil paintings and installations.  ROOM, Taipei
One and only overnight stay per lifetime, mingle and meld with contemporary oil paintings and installations.  ROOM, Taipei
Where I was looking for adventure, I found true love
Where I was looking for adventure, I found true love
茶香、地氣、禪境合一,海拔2500米的京岄山居 Be one with tea, earth and zen inside the tea plantation 2,500 meters above sea level, Alishan.
茶香、地氣、禪境合一,海拔2500米的京岄山居 Be one with tea, earth and zen inside the tea plantation 2,500 meters above sea level, Alishan.
Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self
Bespoke scents and elements of nature, capsulized to accentuate and resonate with your inner self
探索三徑就荒的嶄新茶席時空之旅 Explore new dimensions of your palate for tea in a timeless space, hidden in the metropolis
探索三徑就荒的嶄新茶席時空之旅 Explore new dimensions of your palate for tea in a timeless space, hidden in the metropolis