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體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan 體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan

體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness. Taipei, Taiwan

Xiaoman Taipei opened in the quiet Daan district and provide wild teas and natural ecological teas for you to enjoy. Make a reservation for tea time. Also xiaoman Taipei will hold unique exhibitions every month to introduce the beauty works of domestic and foreign craftsmen

Source : 小慢 Taipei



The history of Chinese tea st…
The history of Chinese tea starts about 5000 years ago since Song Dynasty and has been spread widely many years after.Today, tea is still an important part of Asian culture and an essential part of Taiwan culture. Since 19th century, Taiwanese tea has made its own name worldwide. A man named John Dodd, who is now well-known as the Father of Taiwan Oolong Tea as he is the one who helped promote tea and grew tea business in Taiwan.
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---- cacao
緩下腳步,調整速度是2020全體人類的共有課題,去不到遠方,才有在縮限空間中重新探索的機緣。在台北城南巷子裡「小慢 Tea Experience」,以茶為本,推廣生活美學多年,其中的靈魂人物謝小曼老師想著,如何讓茶文化更靠近年輕世代一些,於是將盛滿的器皿倒空,賦予新的流動,增添「茶吧TEA BAR」支線,同時匯入的泉源有大兒子聿文的心血「WAN」,緊鄰著茶房卻又自成一個獨立空間,一間只有九席座位的甜點店。
書道/ 花藝/ 茶人,這些斜槓連結起來的畫面,串連起謝小曼…
書道/ 花藝/ 茶人,這些斜槓連結起來的畫面,串連起謝小曼的生命,在她眼中,這都是「美」的不同體現。喜歡觀察時光靜靜蔓延,並透過雙手創造有寧靜感染力的美好,無論是沏壺好茶與眾人分享,或是寫幅好字引人沈思,謝小曼的「慢」哲學,邀請人們展開對生命究竟之美的耐心追尋。
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan