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秘境山林中的發現•山茶 Hidden in the mountain, the celebrated Camellia tea is discovered and treasured.  Liugui, Kaohsiung
秘境山林中的發現•山茶 Hidden in the mountain, the celebrated Camellia tea is discovered and treasured.  Liugui, Kaohsiung
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
體驗滿注深情與藝術的小慢茶道 Xiaoman’s way of tea, the fusion of chado, arts and soulfulness.  Taipei, Taiwan
融合懷舊法租界風的經典台灣茶體驗Fusion of French Concession style, traditional Taiwanese tea ceremony, Liquide Ambré
融合懷舊法租界風的經典台灣茶體驗Fusion of French Concession style, traditional Taiwanese tea ceremony, Liquide Ambré
Yoga at sunrise, subalpine trails, chimes of Tibetan bowl, immerse and heal in nature’s transformative powers.  Aro Ha, New Zealand
Yoga at sunrise, subalpine trails, chimes of Tibetan bowl, immerse and heal in nature’s transformative powers.  Aro Ha, New Zealand
Fairytale castle within valley of Bavarian Alps, with wellness spa, concert hall, and Michelin-starred restaurant. Venue for 2015 G7 Summit
Fairytale castle within valley of Bavarian Alps, with wellness spa, concert hall, and Michelin-starred restaurant. Venue for 2015 G7 Summit
Time travel back to Byzantine monasteries for men-only sacred wellness experience, simplicity, history and heritage.  Mount Athos, Greece
Time travel back to Byzantine monasteries for men-only sacred wellness experience, simplicity, history and heritage.  Mount Athos, Greece
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
探索三徑就荒的嶄新茶席時空之旅 Explore new dimensions of your palate for tea in a timeless space, hidden in the metropolis
探索三徑就荒的嶄新茶席時空之旅 Explore new dimensions of your palate for tea in a timeless space, hidden in the metropolis