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Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center

Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center

The villas of AZULIK Tulum were designed to create an atmosphere for rest and reconnection. With no air conditioning, television or electric light, we reduce the impact technology has on the environment and our ability to get in tune with our surroundings. And most of all, the art museum SFER IK near the villas is full of creative energy

Source: Azulik



AZULIK Uh May is an extraordi…
AZULIK Uh May is an extraordinary development of luxury residences and villas rising from the jungle floor above the thick tree canopies. It feels like you are in a strange Avatar world on another planet with its crazy curving concrete and fiberglass walls linked together by alien outdoor bejuco wood vine-like walkways.
---- Forbes
Founded by Eduardo Neira ​“Ro…
Founded by Eduardo Neira ​“Roth” in 2018, SFER IK Museion is a transdisciplinary creative sphere comprising exhibitions of some of the world’s finest visual artists, cutting-edge artisanal workshops linking ancestral practices with avant-garde techniques and visionary design, as well as innovative artist residencies which culminate in new ways of experiencing and creating art. SFER IK art museme have won the LCD Berlin Award for New Culture Destinations of the Year in the ‘Latin America’ category.
It’s been carefully designed …
It’s been carefully designed to preserve and embrace the local ecosystems,” says Roth, whose approach to architecture is characteristically unorthodox. Rather than making plans on paper in an office, he works on location, forming rough structures with wire and then developing them with other architects and local Mayan builders.
It has been designed to embra…
It has been designed to embrace the eco-system. Not a single tree has been cut to make space for the buildings.
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center
Azulik eco-resort reconnects you back to nature through tribal tree-house architecture, gastronomy, and healing at Mayan wellness center