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Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber

Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved. Sculptor Barber

Sculptor Barbering provides both classic and innovative barber services, including shampoo & haircut, stay handsome (straight razor shave), bread trim, hangover treatment, meeting service (quick tide-up) and free chat service

師承西門町最具歷史文化的男仕理髮廳之一 - 台北紅玫瑰理髮廳,薪傳一甲子的正統台灣理容文化與手藝,推出專業男仕修容、傳統修鬍、台灣冷燙、電棒燙等經典理容服務




髮廊、美容院、理髮廳自古以來都是人類追求美的一個場所,當然也是一個交流連結的社交場所,這次有機會可以在台北東區中的一個髮廊展出,我希望在這個空間中能去將美這件事情具體化,透過軟雕塑、互動各種表現方式來呈現,因為對於美這件事情祂一直都沒有一個具體跟特定的形象,應該說他是隨著時間與人們的品味在一直改變,因此想借由這次展出的機會,在這樣的空間做一個屬於自己風格的展現。《 美獸 》一個以美為名並以美為食的怪獸,靜靜的棲息在髮廊中,這次會用自己手繪出的造型結合造型氣球來呈現,並且會用互動裝置來感應與觀者的距離來做眼神部分的燈光互動,希望可以利用這樣巨大量感的怪獸來與空間對話。

展期 | 2021/3/20 ~ 4/19
參觀 | 周間 12:00 - 20:00;周末 11:00 - 19:00
This Mountain and Sea treatme…
This Mountain and Sea treatment is a process that begins with the romance of nature and ends with the pragmatism of humanity.

山海療程的研發是一個始於自然浪漫,終於人性務實的過程。在一次去大自然旅行的經驗中,我們感受到對於逃離都市的渴望。原來坐擁自然,返璞歸真對現代人來說是最奢侈的一種生活。「 如果可以把服務的空間搬到大自然裡。」
---- GQ
在中世紀的西方,理髮師叫做 Barber Surgeon …
在中世紀的西方,理髮師叫做 Barber Surgeon ,是一種結合理髮與拔牙、接生、放血等基礎外科手術的醫療衛生工作者,其中理髮師將放完血的白色繃帶綁在木棍上風乾,成了理髮廳最早的招牌。在文藝復興時期,造型與打扮不再是貴族的專利,市民階級的興起,也讓男士理髮廳與女士沙龍遍布歐洲各大城市,是西歐與北美因襲至今的的庶民文化,至今英國的理髮師仍用紅 (代表動脈)、藍 (代表靜脈)、白 (代表繃帶)作為理髮廳外旋轉燈的配色。
---- COOL
而在台灣,理髮師 (剃頭匠) 最早是清領時期為男子薙髮留辮…
而在台灣,理髮師 (剃頭匠) 最早是清領時期為男子薙髮留辮所衍生的職業,剃頭匠挑著一個結合火盆、水盆、板凳與抽屜的扁擔,在街頭巷尾穿梭,直至 1915 年日本總督宣布斷髮令,理髮逐漸由政治行為轉為民生行為,且受到當時日本崇尚德國文化的影響,台北終於也出現了男子理容院與女子美容院,在當時理髮店為了吸引人潮,除了客人的髮型,也提供刮鬍、掏耳、按摩、修剪鼻耳毛、修甲、擦鞋以及按摩等附加服務,而理髮廳也開始有了造型、美感與社交的機能。
---- COOL
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber
Where gentlemen of high society used to gather, culture exchanged, ideas shared and humanity celebrated, in the comforts and soothing of traditional barber shop, a lost art preserved.  Sculptor Barber