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顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei 顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei

顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei

Weavings of soul, exploration of existence, “presence in absence.” Chiharu Shioda is a Japanese artist known for her intangible works of memory, anxiety, fantasy, and silence. Her series of powerful installation of red and black threads that wrap around the space has fascinated people from all over the world by asking universal questions about identity, boundaries, and existence.

展出時間: 2021.05.01 - 10.17,台北市立美術館一樓1A~1B一樓1A~1B




塩田千春:#顫動的靈魂 #語音導覽上線,開啟 #北美館TF…
塩田千春:#顫動的靈魂 #語音導覽上線,開啟 #北美館TFAMApp,宅在家來場想像小旅行!語音導覽設計貼近展場動線,有如你的隨身導覽員,更棒的是可以不限時地即刻收聽!

線上導覽手冊請見精選動態 Shiota Chiharu 「主題網站」連結頁面下方。
日本藝術家塩田千春於2021年1月21日至3月21日在德國柏林的KÖNIG GALERIE畫廊展出新作「I HOPE...」,作品由從空間中垂下的無數鮮紅色線,以及一艘艘漂浮著的黑色帆船構成,紅線上頭更掛著近萬封來自世界各地寫下各式希望的信件,傳達出在疫情時代,擁有希望何其重要。而目前畫廊也推出VR虛擬實境與3D線上導覽,讓全世界的人們可以在網路上觀看塩田千春新作!
---- LaVie
Chiharu Shiota’s installation…
Chiharu Shiota’s installations, often involving everyday objects entangled in a sea of blood-red, black or white yarn, leave a searing impression in the minds of viewers; not only for their exceptional beauty, but also because of the poignant way in which they represent personal narratives, and articulate complex feelings of longing and loss.
Regarding artist and theorist…
Regarding artist and theorist Lee Ufan, an encounter is a point at which a human being initiates a relationship with the material world. Shiota’s works do exactly that. They traverse themes of relationships, identity and loss and are a highly personal mediation between the inner world of the artist and the outer world. Webs of threat spin like a cocoon around the viewer. Shiota draws lines with yarn in the air and spans connections between the physical body and what is beyond.
I imagine the threads as deli…
I imagine the threads as delineating either a personal or a universalized space. Black threads refer to a more universal, all-embracing space — like a night sky, or the universe — and in my works, the color black suggests universal truths and ideas that tend more towards the abstract. Red, on the other hand, with its associations to blood, suggests lineage, the physiological way in which we trace our ancestry and origins, and by extension all the interconnections within society
---- Medium
“Marina Abramovic, She was mo…
“Marina Abramovic, She was more an artist than a teacher to me,” Shiota said. “She changed my perception of time. ”It was Abramovic who reintroduced Shiota to the idea of working within a Zen philosophy — an approach Shiota was already familiar with from Japan, but brought back to Berlin with renewed vigor. It was around that time, too, that Shiota decided to abandon her painting practice. Having set her mind to creating universes instead, a two-dimensional canvas started to feel a bit limited.
By utilizing keys collected f…
By utilizing keys collected from people and places all around the world, the project aims to trigger a feeling of recollection and memory by withholding the notion of “keys are familiar and very valuable things that protect important people and spaces in our lives – they also inspire us to open the door to unknown worlds.”
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei
顫動的靈魂 The Soul Trembles— 塩田千春 Chiharu Shiota, Taipei