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European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab

European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources. Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab

在FEUILLE FOOD LAB應用源於自然的靈感來創作料理,使用95%本地的食物材料來減少碳足跡並嘗試食物及水資源不必要的浪費。在廚房裡,FEUILLE FOOD LAB重視資源回收,重復使用每個資源,以乾燥的方法來保存季節的香草,炸魚骨頭當零食,和使用蔬菜根皮來發酵,製作自己的醋和果汁。不選擇進口,使用本地栽植的食物材料不只是一個你、我、和大家可做到來幫助環境和減少碳足跡的辦法提供與環境永續共存的機會

這不是一個正式的餐廳,也沒有一個固定的開放時間。在這個快閃的活動裡, 每樣食材都是早上從零開始準備。為了確保新鮮度和減少不必要的浪費,採用預約的系統來嚴謹照顧客人的需求

Source: Feuille Food Lab



FEUILLE NEXT 是一間信仰著高度透明的實驗餐廳,…
FEUILLE NEXT 是一間信仰著高度透明的實驗餐廳,同時開啟了遊戲餐食(Fun dining)的新紀元。在這裡,我們鼓勵您打開全部感官去體驗餐點,除了品嘗,食材將會帶您參與它們背後的故事。
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab
European gastronomical creation, inspired and originated from local elements and ingredients, belief in full use of all resources.  Fun, pop up dining, Feuille Food Lab