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Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!” Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”

Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world. Kamaro’an, “Stay!”


Kamaro'an於法國巴黎家具家飾展獲選為「亞洲新銳設計師」;產品亦於美國紐約當代藝術博物館(MoMA Design Store)、日本京都Master Recipe、西班牙畢卡索博物館、奧地利MAK博物館等選品店販售,橫跨巴黎、紐約、東京等指標城市

Source : Kamaro'an



Exploring craftsmanship throu…
Exploring craftsmanship through minimalist design the designers worked with craftsman sumi dongi for the separation process of the umbrella sedge layers, which made the mats more delicate in nature, as well as for the weaving of the plant onto the structural metals.

Resulting objects include riyar (which means ‘ocean’ in the pangcah language), a pendant light where the mat is transformed into the shape of a wave, allowing it to appear unique from every angle.

幾年前,港口部落族人舒米如妮(Sumi Dongi)嘗試復育海稻米,同時也復育了輪傘草,她試圖找回傳統草蓆記憶與技藝。
一株株的輪傘草,從田地裡收回、切片後,還要經過二週的日光曝曬再開始編織,每一件作品都有東岸的陽光、創作者的心情和寧靜的草香。「編織系列」展現了阿美族人運用黃藤與竹編織因應生活所需的古老智慧,尤其是「一繩到底」的編織技術變化很多,相當具有特色。Kamaro’an 使用與藤皮擁有相同韌性與彈性的植鞣皮革進行創作,作品不但有部落編織藝術的美感,也有當代設計的風采。
「編織系列」著眼於工藝傳承時的「技法」層面。在阿美族傳統屋舍梁柱上時常運用藤編、竹編技法來穩定建築結構,而這在過往通常是男人們的工作,於是團隊和部落女孩們一起拜訪了許多阿美族阿公,藉由口傳實作的方式將這些編織技法逐一學起來。考量到黃藤的不易取得,Kamaro'an 改以植鞣皮革作為編織素材,並且將這編織設計運用在手袋、名片盒等銷售量更容易提升的品項上。

在《太陽的孩子》裡,那位站在田中央,揮著棕櫚葉,溫柔觸撫稻米的女人就是舒米.如妮(Sumi Dongi),亦是這部電影的起點,她的兒子勒嘎.舒米(Lekal Sumi)拍下這段歷程,製成紀錄片《海稻米的願望》。 「明明在家裡,卻覺得自己像觀光客。」勒嘎.舒米是部落裡唯一的年輕人,無業而焦慮,他試了很多方式親近部落,最後的解方,是攝影。

Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”
Translate and transform Amis/Pangcah tribal heritage, culture and creation into modern arts for the world.  Kamaro’an, “Stay!”