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March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk

March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture. The Suit Walk

Suit Walk「臺北紳仕俱樂部」向歐洲社交季致敬,將男士的風采呈現於城市的每個角落,每一個帥氣的身影都是一個行走的仕紳文化,藉由他們傳遞、帶領、分享給更多新世代。跳脫單純服裝的框架,進入深度文化的體驗,今年Suit Walk打造眾多體驗活動:SUIT CINEMA紳士學堂、Noble Croquet貴族槌球、Chess Royale西洋棋對決、Swing Dance 復古搖擺...,讓Suit Walk不止是遊行,更是用正裝體現生活的每一個場景

Source: GQ Suit Walk臺北紳仕俱樂部



讓紳士裝成為台灣男性一貫的日常,是Suit Walk創辦人…
讓紳士裝成為台灣男性一貫的日常,是Suit Walk創辦人的石煌傑的心願,有人問他舉辦Suit Walk的目標,「我想的是有一天不需要Suit Walk,紳士裝已成為一般男士穿搭的品項,就不需要大張旗鼓的走上街頭了。」
起源於20年代美國的 Swing dance,伴隨著爵士樂…
起源於20年代美國的 Swing dance,伴隨著爵士樂文化而誕生,30年代至50 年代最為盛行;二戰後逐漸沉寂,到了80年代才在一些大師的承先啓後下重現光彩。隨著時代演變,Swing dance 發展出多種路數,以 Lindy Hop 和 Charleston 最著名,其他形式還包括 Balboa、Shag、West Coast Swing 和 Boogie Woogie 等。人們會隨著音樂節奏恣意旋轉、搖擺,既可獨自 Solo 或雙人共舞,相當隨性自由。若現場有樂團伴奏,效果更佳;因為當樂手突然來個變奏時,不但予人驚喜感,更能凸顯舞者即興發揮的能力。優秀的舞者除了懂得表現自己,還能將樂曲特色詮釋的淋漓盡致。和其他社交舞相比,Swing dance 易學、即興少限制、活潑奔放、富愉快感染力。
The spelling and pronunciatio…
The spelling and pronunciation of the word croquet suggest a clear French origin. Indeed, both the name and the sport itself can ultimately be traced to France, but the connection is not as direct as it might appear.

The modern game of croquet was popularized in England in the 1850s by way of Ireland, where it developed from a large family of games known as “ground billiards”, which also includes the now-obsolete pall-mall and trucco, among others. This family of games has a long history in Europe.
---- Druide
Chess, was born out of the In…
Chess, was born out of the Indian game chaturanga before the 600s AD. The game spread throughout Asia and Europe over the coming centuries, and eventually evolved into what we know as chess around the 16th century.
An amazing fact about Chess, initially, the Queen could only move one square at a time, diagonally. Later, she could move two squares at a time, diagonally. It wasn’t until Reconquista Spain, with its powerful queen Isabella, that the Queen became the strongest piece on the board.
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk
March to honor the heritage of gentlemen’s lifestyle and self-respect, and leap to a transformation and enrichment of the contemporary style and culture.  The Suit Walk