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濕版攝影 濕版攝影

大稻埕仿19 世紀濕版攝影,體驗懷舊文化遺產

濕版攝影,1851年由英國人Fredrick Scott Archer發明,運用物理化學原理留住影像的一種方式,感光期間玻璃片處於濕潤狀態因而得名


Source: 英華國際影像



Photography was revolutionize…
Photography was revolutionized in 1851 by the introduction of the wet collodion process for making glass negatives. This technique, invented by the English sculptor Frederick Scott Archer, was 20 times faster than all previous methods and was, moreover, free from patent restrictions. Paper prints could easily be made from glass-plate negatives. But the photographer had to sensitize the plate almost immediately before exposure and expose it and process it while the coating was moist.
Daguerreotypes were invented …
Daguerreotypes were invented first, then came the Ambrotype and lastly the Tintype. These are all called wet plate or wet plate collodion processes. You expose an image onto glass or metal where the chemicals are still wet.

Between 1951 and 1880, the wet collodion process was the predominant method in creating photographs throughout Europe and North America.
The 19th-century technique of…
The 19th-century technique of wet-plate collodion photography is undergoing something of a renaissance at the moment as digital photography prompts people to explore older analogue methods. It’s pretty much the oldest, and most fiddly kind of photography there is. In an age when photography has never been easier or quicker, we wanted to see what it was like when it was difficult and slow. And for each image, we set up the shot we wanted first, so we wouldn’t waste valuable time composing and focusing.
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Some of the most important fi…
Some of the most important figures of 19th-century photography— Timothy O’Sullivan, Carleton Watkins, and Francis Frith— traveled with wagons converted into darkrooms to document Civil War battlefields, the peaks of Yosemite, and the monuments of the Middle East, respectively. As the photographs produced using this method were made via contact printing, glass plates up to 18 x 22" were miraculously preserved despite their often perilous journeys home.