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Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》 Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》

Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》與第五大道肖像收藏系列

善於在人體與3D空間中以油彩畫筆施展魔法的藝術家Alexa Meade,2022至2023年間於紐約第五大道精彩推出沉浸式展覽《Wonderland Dreams》。Alexa大膽應用其獨特手繪藝術將愛麗絲夢遊仙境故事化為現實,創造出一個異想的夢幻世界,使觀眾瞬間掉入兔子洞,進到充滿神祕玫瑰園、瘋狂茶會和活潑生動的藝術長廊,令人如置身入畫,著實體驗一場驚奇的仙境之夢!

Source: Alexa Meade



An Immersive Hand-Painted Exp…
An Immersive Hand-Painted Experience

"Have you ever dreamed of stepping into a painting, living within the art itself as you become part of a living canvas? All of this and more awaits you at Wonderland Dreams!"

"The Fifth Avenue Portrait Co…
"The Fifth Avenue Portrait Collection is a massive public art exhibit by Alexa Meade. All 22 works of art in The Fifth Avenue Portrait Collection are by Alexa Meade, who paints directly on the faces and clothes of live models, creating the illusion that real humans are two-dimensional paintings on canvas..."

第五大道肖像收藏系列中的攝影主要由 Ruby June 或 Mike Monaghan 拍攝,佈局由 Dirty Bandits 設計,展出時間為2023年9月11日至10月2日。
"Wonderland Dreams" immerses …
"Wonderland Dreams" immerses visitors in Alexa Meade's dreamscape

It is immersive art to overwhelm your senses and trick your eyes. What initially looks like flat paintings are three-dimensional and alive. "Behind the layers of paint on the people's faces that's a real human under there," artist Alexa Meade said.
Wonderland Dreams isn’t the f…
Wonderland Dreams isn’t the first time Meade has used her art to evoke Lewis Carroll’s classic novel but is on a larger scale.

Meade explained “It first launched on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills in 2018 — and that was in a 4,000 square foot space, then I brought it to New York in 2020, to a 14,000 square foot space. Unfortunately, that show never got to open”. Now, to visit Wonderland Dreams is to take in a space encompassing 26,000 square feet.
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》
Alexa Meade 的仙境之夢 《Wonderland Dreams》