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縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture 縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture

縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture

There is a fine balance in Susanna Bauer's work between fragility and strength; literally, when it comes to pulling a fine thread through a brittle leaf or thin dry piece of wood, but also in a wider context - the tenderness and tension in human connections, the transient yet enduring beauty of nature that can be found in the smallest detail, vulnerability and resilience that could be transferred to nature as a whole or the stories of individual beings

Source: Susanna Bauer



Bauer's focus is intense, par…
Bauer's focus is intense, particularly when she is working with threads and leaves. Her art is considered and deliberate, suggesting a concentration akin to meditation. Although small in scale, each transformed leaf becomes an engaging miniature sculpture. It is hard to look at these pieces and not be mesmerized.
“I am in awe of the intricate…
“I am in awe of the intricate details, the colors, textures, and compositions that I find every time I’m outside,” she says. Bauer uses magnolia leaves most often, for their classic shape and strong veins and her studio is always full of remnants from nature, waiting for inspiration to strike.
“They all come with their own language,” she says, “then find each other and become pieces of work.”
The delicate sculptures inclu…
The delicate sculptures include a variety of techniques to arrange and alter the leaves with the fine thread. Some of her pieces are more geometric such as perfect cubes with crochet seams, while others are more organically rolled leaves that are sewn at the edge. Some even join multiple leaves into single pieces all connected by a thread cylinder cutting through them, and other leaves have perfectly punched out circles that are then filled in with crochet.
縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture
縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture
縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture
縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture
縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture
縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture
縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture
縫補穿透人性脆弱與韌性平衡的絲線 Delicate threads of dry leaves and wood form crochet sculpture