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見證、體驗數位藝術所有權的開始 Witness and experience the beginning of digital art ownership,  The First 5000 Days (2021)

見證、體驗數位藝術所有權的開始 Witness and experience the beginning of digital art ownership, The First 5000 Days (2021)

Beeple is Mike Winkelmann, a graphic designer from Charleston, SC, USA who does a variety of digital artwork. After he began releasing a set of widely used Creative Commons VJ loops he has worked on concert visuals for Justin Bieber, One Direction, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Eminem, Zedd, deadmau5 and many more

One of the originators of the current "everyday" movement in 3D graphics, he has been creating a picture everyday from start to finish and posting it online for over ten years without missing a single day. Beeple's digital work Everyday: The First 5000 Days (2021) has sold for an astonishing $60.25m ($69.3m with fees). It is now both the most expensive NFT (Non-Fungible Token) work of art as well as the first standalone NFT work of art to be sold by an auction house

Source: Beeple, Christie’s



In EVERYDAYS: THE FIRST 5000 DAYS, the artist has stitched together recurring themes and colour schemes into an aesthetic whole. The individual pieces are organised in loose chronological order: zooming in reveals pictures by turn abstract, fantastical, grotesque or absurd, deeply personal or representative of current events. Recurring themes include society’s obsession with and fear of technology; the desire for and resentment of wealth; and America’s recent political turbulence.
You can zoom in a bit to the …
You can zoom in a bit to the tiled image of Everydays on the Christie’s site—but not that much. To really see the works and get a sense of Beeple’s vision, you have to go to his website. In reverse chronological order, the most recent, most well-known, and most successful Beeple is the digital satirist, making what amount to gross-out cartoons commenting on incipient tech dystopia and political outrages. The Christie’s preview of individual images from the work all hail from this era.
---- Artnet
'Beeple' transforms Louis Vui…
'Beeple' transforms Louis Vuitton Spring/Summer 2019 Ready-To-Wear Collection with Cinema 4D. “The designs are not a bleak, dystopian vision of the future that you often see in a lot of science fiction but are more mundane and assume things will largely be how they are now -- where technology has many benefits, but also some unintended drawbacks. I am more interested in this vision of the future because it feels more realistic to me,” says Beeple.
"Artists have been using hard…
"Artists have been using hardware and software to create artwork and distribute it on the internet for the last 20+ years but there was never a real way to truly own and collect it," says Beeple in a statement. "With NFTs that has now changed. I believe we are witnessing the beginning of the next chapter in art history: digital art. I am beyond honoured and humbled to represent the digital art community in this historic moment."
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs,…
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are the latest cryptocurrency phenomenon to go mainstream. In the simplest terms, NFTs transform digital works of art and other collectibles into one-of-a-kind, verifiable assets that are easy to trade on the blockchain. Although that may be far from simple for the uninitiated to understand, the payoff has been huge for many artists, musicians, influencers and the like, with investors spending top dollar to own NFT versions of digital images.
見證、體驗數位藝術所有權的開始 Witness and experience the beginning of digital art ownership,  The First 5000 Days (2021)