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Van Gogh Museum, online Van Gogh Museum, online

Van Gogh Museum, online

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam houses the largest collection of art works by Vincent van Gogh in the world. The permanent collection includes more than 200 paintings by Vincent van Gogh, 500 drawings and more than 800 letters. The museum also presents exhibitions on various subjects from 19th-century art history

The museum is currently closed but still open online to enjoy the Van Gogh Museum from home. There is something for everyone: explore the artworks in the online collection, watch the 4K virtual tours on YouTube, get creative or dive into compelling stories about Vincent van Gogh. For children: coloring pages of famous Vincent van Gogh masterpieces, download and print the free Van Gogh board game, follow "StoryZoo" character on their adventures at the Van Gogh museum, and plenty more for kids of all ages

Source: Van Gogh Museum



2021 Webby Winner: Websites a…
2021 Webby Winner: Websites and Mobile Sites / Cultural Institutions

A website that reflects the uniqueness of the Van Gogh Museum. When you think of Van Gogh, colorful sceneries come to mind. So this was our starting point. We wanted the website to resonate with the user and leave an impression while, also being modest and simple in appearance. All of the works of art on the website are in HD which reveals what you cannot see with the naked eye: the great details of Van Gogh’s paintings.
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The Unravel Van Gogh app enab…
The Unravel Van Gogh app enables users to delve deeper into the history of the artworks by the Dutch painter. Numerous stories are hidden in and underneath the paint of Vincent van Gogh’s paintings. Unravel Van Gogh reveals what you cannot see with the naked eye: view Van Gogh’s paintings in even greater detail and discover the information concealed in and underneath the paint with the ‘Unravel Van Gogh’ web app.
The Van Gogh Museum touts the…
The Van Gogh Museum touts the largest collection of artworks from Vincent van Gogh and it has now increased its already sizable virtual footprint with a seven-part video series taking the viewer on a private tour of parts of the museum’s collection. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity helps you connect to Van Gogh’s artwork in a reverent setting accompanied by a rich musical score. Take a personal tour of Vincent van Gogh's works with the Van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam's seven-part virtual series.
During the last decades artwo…
During the last decades artwork was acquired by the Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam and are now featured at the latest exhibition “Here to Stay”. To get a short insight into the exhibition, the museum is showing a selection of the most important works and stories online. The exhibition shows the full extent of the most remarkable and notable works of art. A large part of the artworks shown in “Here to Stay” are not by Van Gogh himself, but from his contemporaries, who inspired him and his works.
Van Gogh Museum, online
Van Gogh Museum, online
Van Gogh Museum, online
Van Gogh Museum, online
Van Gogh Museum, online
Van Gogh Museum, online