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Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin

Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality, but is actually 100 years old. Theremin

German-Sorbian musician and composer Carolina Eyck was introduced to the theremin by her parents at the age of 7. Like the legendary Clara Rockmore who holds a unique place in music history as the star performer of the theremin, play theremin at a very young age

At the age of 16, Carolina developed a new precise playing technique, called the 8 finger position technique. She published the first extensive theremin method book entitled "The Art of Playing the Theremin" in 2006. The method is now being used by thereminists around the world and has revolutionized how the instrument is played




A brilliant young Soviet scie…
A brilliant young Soviet scientist harnesses the power of something called the “heterodyne beat frequency” to create a mysterious-looking, antennaed box that creates a high-pitched wail, which intensifies when his hands come closer to it. It’s the origin story of the device that bears Professor Léon Theremin’s name. An electronic instrument that you play without touching would seem like the quintessential axe of the virtual era, but 2020 actually marks the theremin’s 100th birthday.
Clara Rockmore who holds a un…
Clara Rockmore who holds a unique place in music history as the star performer of the theremin.

Theremin players draw on techniques of physical and emotional expression more like an actor taking to the stage to play a complex character. Rather than a traditional musician, theremin players draw on techniques of physical and emotional expression more like an actor taking to the stage to play a complex character.
---- BBC
Carolina Eyck is another ther…
Carolina Eyck is another theremin maestra raising awareness of this unique instrument . “When you play the theremin, it looks kind of magical. Maybe even as if you could cast spells,” Eyck tells BBC Culture.

“No other instrument is played without physical contact. You are part of the instrument, conducting the air.”
---- BBC
From a contemporary vantage p…
From a contemporary vantage point, the theremin’s story sounds familiar. Like the Segway or Google Glass, it was an impressive invention that caught, and eventually fumbled, the public imagination.

The principle behind the theremin is that the human body conducts electric current. This is true for every one of us. Before a theremin, our arms uplifted, all of us would find one of life’s familiar riddles: am I conducting this music? Or am I conducted by it?
Though the theremin now holds…
Though the theremin now holds its own in the world’s musical history, made famous by its trademark sound as used by bands like the Beach Boys, it started its life as more of a scientific toy than a musical instrument. As TIME explained in 1928, the invention then being toured around by Professor Leon Theremin, pictured here, was basically a radio.
---- TIME
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin
Musical instrument futuristic in appearance, played without direct touch, appears quintessential virtual reality,  but is actually 100 years old.  Theremin