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Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts

Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts

Scan the World is an ambitious initiative that gives you the possibility to enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts in a remarkably tangible way. Cultural heritage is important for historical research and education as well as establishing a sense of identity amongst communities. Through documenting the past, cultural heritage comes in both physical and intangible forms which include objects, monuments, beliefs, rituals and traditions

Scan the World collects stories from people and museums alike, to share various views on the importance and impact of culture, helping diversify our personal approach to art. As different individuals will have very different experiences and values within their own culture, this network provides a safe space for culture to be shared and discovered, no matter where in the world it comes from

Source: Scan the World



Since its inception in 2014, …
Since its inception in 2014, Scan the World has built the largest ecosystem of free to download, 3D printable cultural artefacts. Hosting over 16,000 objects in its collection and through collaborating with over 50 cultural institutions, we serve as the authority on open 3D heritage. The expansive collection shares works from across the globe, all scanned from museums, public spaces and private collections.
Scan the World might be one o…
Scan the World might be one of the only institutions where visitors are encouraged to handle the most-valued sculptures and artifacts from art history. The open-source museum hosts an impressive archive of 18,000 digital scans—the eclectic collection spans artworks like the “Bust of Nefertiti,” the “Fourth Gate of Vaubam Fortress,” Rodin’s “The Thinker,” and Michelangelo’s “David” in addition to other items like chimpanzee skulls—that are available for download and 3D printing in a matter of hours.
Scan the World is part of My …
Scan the World is part of My Mini Factory, which is the largest platform for 3D-printed objects. If you’re new to the process, check out the site’s wide range of tutorials, including tips for beginners, how to scan with your phone, and techniques for using drones to capture hard-to-reach works. (via Open Culture)
Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts
Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts
Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts
Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts
Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts
Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts
Explore and enjoy 3D printable representations of cultural artifacts