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Ocean Sailing Experience
Ocean Sailing Experience
美髮技藝結合科技,將五顏六色的花卉圖騰轉印在俐落鮮明的髮型Combination of artisanal styles mixed with technology.  Alexis Ferrer, “La Favorite”
美髮技藝結合科技,將五顏六色的花卉圖騰轉印在俐落鮮明的髮型Combination of artisanal styles mixed with technology.  Alexis Ferrer, “La Favorite”
Relive treasured moments of your family history, embrace loved ones of the past, uniting your past, present and future.  Animation and matching technology, MyHeritage
Relive treasured moments of your family history, embrace loved ones of the past, uniting your past, present and future.  Animation and matching technology, MyHeritage
匠心獨具前衛創新, Iris Van Herpen Blurs the Lines between Art and Design
匠心獨具前衛創新, Iris Van Herpen Blurs the Lines between Art and Design
全球首顆「可以吃的NFT」- 「We Are What We Eat」開創NFT跨域體驗藝術
全球首顆「可以吃的NFT」- 「We Are What We Eat」開創NFT跨域體驗藝術
Bored & Hungry 全球首家可用加密幣購物,Bored Ape NFT主題餐廳快閃電店於美國開幕
Bored & Hungry 全球首家可用加密幣購物,Bored Ape NFT主題餐廳快閃電店於美國開幕
NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message
NFT 數位媒介即是啟示 / With NFTs, The Digital Medium is The Message
既發光,也聚光— 2022台灣燈會在高雄
既發光,也聚光— 2022台灣燈會在高雄
"Cookie Cookie", CryptoZR- 劉嘉穎的數位加密藝術主題首展
"Cookie Cookie", CryptoZR- 劉嘉穎的數位加密藝術主題首展
超乎想像的科技煙火, 無人機燈光秀 The new generation of fireworks, laser, and light shows, limited only by fantasy
超乎想像的科技煙火, 無人機燈光秀 The new generation of fireworks, laser, and light shows, limited only by fantasy
Explore and experience underwater archeological sites undeterred by the physical barrier of the sea
Explore and experience underwater archeological sites undeterred by the physical barrier of the sea
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
‘Sylvania’, 愛馬仕與生物科技公司MycoWorks將品味與永續鞣製出時尚藝術的新未來
Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“
Your unique experience captured and transformed by expert cameramen, edited and produced for your memory sake as “dedicated feature“
URBAN SUN architects our new normal and creates safe way for social activities in times of pandemic and other health threats to humanity
URBAN SUN architects our new normal and creates safe way for social activities in times of pandemic and other health threats to humanity
見證、體驗數位藝術所有權的開始 Witness and experience the beginning of digital art ownership,  The First 5000 Days (2021)
見證、體驗數位藝術所有權的開始 Witness and experience the beginning of digital art ownership,  The First 5000 Days (2021)
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Biggest underwater museum of coral reef based sculptures, brings together art and conservation of natural reefs towards reducing Global Warming
Gallery of sculptures under the Mediterranean Sea, depicting citizens of its sea banks, decrying ongoing human destruction of its ecosystem
Gallery of sculptures under the Mediterranean Sea, depicting citizens of its sea banks, decrying ongoing human destruction of its ecosystem
Start a virtual exercise challenge and make running, cycling, walking or whatever form of exercise you do more fun and rewarding. The Conqueror Challenges
Start a virtual exercise challenge and make running, cycling, walking or whatever form of exercise you do more fun and rewarding. The Conqueror Challenges
Rotating space station, low gravity and luxury hotel
Rotating space station, low gravity and luxury hotel
Private charter, bespoke voyage, custom-built featuring personalized services and amenities.  Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection
Private charter, bespoke voyage, custom-built featuring personalized services and amenities.  Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection
Leading not just Vogue but fashion industry to a legendary peak by her extraordinary creativity, Anna Wintour
Leading not just Vogue but fashion industry to a legendary peak by her extraordinary creativity, Anna Wintour
Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini.  View our home planet from the cosmos.  Axiom Space, 2028
Hotel in space, designed by Phillipe Starck, co-founded by NASA former International Space Station manager Michael Suffredini.  View our home planet from the cosmos.  Axiom Space, 2028
Bourse de Commerce transformed by Tadao Ando and Pinault Collection, connecting heritage to contemporary creation
Bourse de Commerce transformed by Tadao Ando and Pinault Collection, connecting heritage to contemporary creation